






I have so much to update about but no pictures to show. If you are anything like me then you arent really into reading paragraphs upon paragraphs without some sort of visualization.

So, since I didnt get to the house until dark 30 yesterday we will have to settle on non house updates.

For Christmas this year I made all of my gifts. Am I crazy? Very much so. However, I think they all turned out really well and I was definitely able to put some major thought into what I was giving. 

For a few friends and my mom I made picture frames. These babies werent youre average frame though, no sirree, these were different and creative and I think really fun to look at.

I started by buying a 2X8 piece of wood and having my dad cut it into 8" blocks. So each frame measured 2 inches by 8 inches by 8 inches.

Now comes the priming and painting. I got lucky and had a bunch of tester wall paints on hand but you could use craft paints instead - whatever fits your fancy.

After the paint dried came embleshments. I added some scrapbook paper, glitter ribbon, and a childs hair clip (to hold the picture) and BOOM you're done.

I wish I would have made one for myself... mainly because I just cant get enough of that glitter ribbon :)

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