





Outdoor : Flower Bed Makeover

Lets take a stroll down memory lane.



front house recent-001

edge down 3


So that is where we left of. The evolution of a front yard flower bed from the day I purchased my house until, well, last weekend.

If you’ll remember, I had/have great intentions for these flower beds and their edging.

Lets get to it then. 10 more bags of mulch (we are now up to 25 total) and a bit of sand and rock and I got busy one Saturday afternoon.




I needed a way to suffocated all the weeds that were planning on growing the second after I put down mulch. So many times I have heard that the weed barrier lining you can get from a local hardware/landscaping store is a bad idea. Namely because it is hard to add plants after you have laid it down. Considering my flower bed isnt complete on the planting side I knew I needed another option.

Newspaper is a natural weed barrier and composts nicely into your flower beds. One thing to note is not to use the glossy adds. I only used the actual newspaper – where the color is printed with soy (who knew?!) and not the inserts.

I will tell you, adding the newspaper made my job double in time but thus far it has been well worth it. I also found you end up laying a bit thicker layer of mulch when using the newspaper because the last thing you want is to be able to see what is on sale poking through your plants.


Same day, before and after. Crazy what a few (5) newspapers and some (12) bags of mulch can do.

Now lets talk edging. To save a few pennies I decided to put in sand before adding the rock. One bag of sand goes really far…. one bag of rock… goes nowhere. For my entire edging I have found out I will need 4 bags of sand and….. 10 bags of rock. Here's why:


I have a weird nuance with the black edging showing through the rock and thus it is going to have to spill over the edging on both the mulch and yard side. My current fear is that the grass is going to grow all over the yard side rock and not be able to me cleaned up when they come to mow. But alas, I have made it this far and cant stop now. It really will look amazing once its all said and done. Its just a matter of getting it said and done

Here is where I left it Saturday afternoon.



Considering this is where I started almost two years ago – I think its come a long way.



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