





Live Well : Supplements

For the longest time when people talked about supplements I thought one of two things:

1) They are taking steroids or something of the like

2) I bet they wake up looking like a body builder

Wrong and Wrong.

There are all types of supplements for athletes and non athletes, dieters and people just looking for an extra boost in their step.

Supplements can be anything from multi vitamin to creatine. Yes, supplements can help you bulk up BUT you have to be taking MAJOR supplements that are intended for bulking (for women that would be items including testosterone)

So lets blow the myth lid off this subject today. I take supplements and I do not look like a body builder nor is that my plan.

I want to be healthy. I want to encourage LEAN muscle growth.

So what do I take? (I am no doctor so consult yours rather than this post when adding supplements)

Everything I am about to show you is completely natural. No diet pills. No crazy made up factory junk. Natural people.


My morning starts with this mixed with unsweetened almond milk and a touch of stevia. Hello breakfast. With 40g of protein this fills me up nicely. The best time for women to drink protein shakes? The morning! More here


This little diddy comes in after breakfast. Dietary supplement does NOT mean meal replacement! I have this in conjunction with food! I also take another round after dinner/before bed. Omgea-3’s are great for your diet. Add them in!


About 30 min before a workout I take Catalyst which helps with strength and energy. It also really aids in muscle recovery after a hard workout. I LOVE catalyst. I can tell a huge difference when taking and when not taking it.


Meet my best friend. Nighttime Recovery helps with just that recovery while you sleep. Its amazing the minimal soreness I have after a workout if I take this. My body thanks me every night.

Everything I showed you above is from Advocare – which provides all natural supplements. There are all different places companies/stores to get supplements from. Just make sure what you are taking is NATURAL.

Don’t fill your body with junk – that takes all the work you’ve done and throws it down the drain.

What's your favorite protein drink or supplement?

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