





Local : Marshall's Brewery

There is something very organic about supporting local businesses. Maybe I feel extra nostalgic because I personally know how hard it is to start up a business - and that's on a small scale. Either way spending a few hours on Saturday afternoon touring a local brewery was a lot of fun and, honestly, really interesting.

Not only did the tour include four tastings but we also got a behind the scenes look at all the brewing equipment and the process that goes into these great craft beers. 

I'll tell you this, we enjoyed it so much that we even volunteered to come and help serve beer during tastings. 

If you live in Tulsa or are ever here on a weekend the tours are taking place, make time and go. I promise you will enjoy the relaxing environment to learn all about some of (my favorite) craft beers and having a few drinks while you're at it.

I swear these came from OZ 

Bottling line from Germany

Marshall's newest beer aged in Whiskey barrels - Blue Dolphin

Have you ever toured a brewery? I might make a list of all craft brewery's local to Oklahoma and have fun scratching them off my list!

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