





Celebrate : December Birthdays


Today is the day.

If we are speaking in technicalities, I turned 27 about an hour ago (8 am) - of which I am reminded every.year by my mother. 

That early morning phone call "do you know what I was doing right now ____ years ago"

Gotta love it.

Having a birthday exactly a week before Christmas I always get the same question
"Do you just hate being born so close to Christmas??"

Funny thing, I don't hate it. I actually love this time of year and love that my birthday falls right within it. But over the years I have come up with the TOP THREE things to NOT do to someone with a Christmas(ish) birthday. Ready?

1. Birthday presents should not be wrapped in Christmas paper. 

2. Exchanging Christmas gifts with others at someones birthday is such a pet peeve. Just do it another day

3. Joint Christmas/Birthday gifts suck - so make sure to make it goooood if you joint gift

On a funny Birthday/Christmas note

One year I took a Happy Birthday card and scratched out all the Happy Birthdays and rewrote Merry Christmas and give it to my mom on Christmas Morning. I might have been 6 or 8 but I thought it was a great idea.

Okay, I'm off to stuff my face with cupcakes - have a happy day friends!

1 comment

  1. Can I tell you the story of what I was doing 27 years ago today?
