





How does your Garden grow

This insane change in our watermelon happened in 36 hours. How in the world can something grow that fast?!?! On Sunday morning I shared this photo when the little baby watermelon was between the size of a ping pong ball and a tennis ball. Now this sucker has morphed into a softball on steroids! 

When I left for Chicago a few weeks back I went out and picked what I could so nothing would rot while I was away. I swear to all that is holy there was not a single zucchini growing when I left, when I came back though... this monstrosity! The larger purple tomato is called a Carbon tomato and hands down the best tasting thing you can ever grow. 

Most of my tomato plants are taking on disease now and will probably get pulled this weekend to make room for some fall plants. Did you know you can plant tomatoes starting in the summer that will produce in the fall? If you had some mishaps thus far you are in luck - August tomato planting is right around the corner!

What else do we have growing? Cantaloupe is growing like crazy, but still no fruit. The black beauty eggplant has been so fun and we've got two more coming in. Bell peppers and jalapenos galore right now - canning is on the books! Lastly, our favorite Japanese eggplant has three little guys coming right along. From what I can tell August is going to be chalk full of produce.

My honey made eggplant Parmesan this week with one of our garden grown eggplants and it was delish! Seriously to die for and I would have never called myself and eggplant lover but this was off the charts!

How is your garden doing? Growing anything for the first time that has amazed you (hello watermelon!)?

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